Want to know what Kids Take Over is all about?
Check out our highlight reel below:
Kids Take Over UBC is hosted by UBC Inspired (part of Campus + Community Planning) and Arts & Culture District!
The festival brings together campus partners to host family-friendly activities in their venues and across the campus.
We’re exceptionally thankful for our participating partners who continue to make this event so special:
alumni ubc: Faculties of Applied Science and Medicine | Asian Library | Beaty Biodiversity Museum | Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery | UBC Chemistry | Chan Centre for the Performing Arts | The Department of Theatre & Film | Department of Art History, Visual Art & Theory | First Nations House of Learning | X̱wi7x̱wa Library | Chung | Lind Gallery | Thunderbird Marching Band | UBC Botanical Garden | University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA) | Pacific Museum of Earth | UBC Parking | Museum of Anthropology